Nothing Is Harder | Teen Ink

Nothing Is Harder

February 13, 2014
By janayar BRONZE, Surrey, Other
janayar BRONZE, Surrey, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't give up."

Nothing is harder than watching a friend
Pull down her long sleeves
Concealing her war-torn wrists;
Seeing the red warm blood
Ease through the fabric.
Seeing her blush, then cry,
Trying her best to explain
It was a mistake.

Nothing is harder than watching a friend
Refuse a meal,
Lying as she says she already ate,
Pushing her plate away.
Hearing her in the bathroom
As she empties her vacant stomach
Then seeing her come out
As if nothing was wrong.

Nothing is harder than watching a friend
Struggling so hard with life,
Questioning her existence,
Saying she’s worthless.
Witnessing her say
No one would care if one day
She was gone.

Nothing is harder than watching a friend
Getting lowered into the ground
In a beautiful casket.
Seeing her pictures,
Red roses scattered around the site.
Hearing the preacher pray,
The eulogy’s that will come
Then, the apologies of adults who could never understand.

Nothing is harder than watching a friends
Memory not being forgotten,
Of everyone deeply mourning her suicide.
Seeing the pictures scattered,
The cards that have long written messages
Which mean nothing anymore.
Nothing is harder than trying to save your friend
From things you have no control over.

The author's comments:
For anyone who is dealing with depression, self-harm, eating disorders, depression, anxiety or any kind of mental health issues and for anyone who knows someone who is.

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