I'll Just Call it Misfortune | Teen Ink

I'll Just Call it Misfortune

February 19, 2014
By MariahHFord BRONZE, Sacramento, California
MariahHFord BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. ~Winston Churchill

I wish I could drain the you out of me.
Turn off the part of myself that reminds me of you like a faucet to water.
Erase our similarities so there is no inkling of you left within me.
I wish there was a way for me to return the genetic inheritance you left behind as a token of your gratitude for my life like clothes to a store.
I love how you call yourself my father when my real father is the woman you left behind so many years ago and have yet to thank for picking up your burden and making it feel like treasure.
Instead you act as a parasitic leech who drains the self-worth out of those you claim to love and use it to feed your ego.
Honestly, I'm glad I can't drain the you out of me because that would mean I don't acknowledge our connection
But it's because of you that I am who I am
I acknowledge my flaws and embrace my imperfections
Like water to rock you erode my roughness to allow my heart to emanate from my core and shower those around me with the love you never gave
I wish I could tell you thank you but I don't want you to take it as appreciation like how a flower soaks up the sun to nurture itself
What we have is too hard to title so for now I'll just call it Misfortune.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by the connection I have to my father. It shows the development, or lack there of, of our relationship from adolescence to my late teen years. My English teacher asked us to write about something we know very well and are passionate about and I wanted to speak for not just myself but for those who understand what I am going through. It was my way of venting and I hope that others can relate and understand my feelings...

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