Steroids | Teen Ink


February 20, 2014
By Sullyyy SILVER, Whitehouse, Ohio
Sullyyy SILVER, Whitehouse, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

they warned me about the weird men that would offer me candy,
and they warned me about the boys that would stare at me in all the
wrong ways
and how i should just keep walking
they warned me about drunk driving and how i should never,
and they warned me about those dark house parties and the drugs i
might be offered
always say no,
they warned me
they always warned me to stay away from knives,
because one stab and i could be dead
but what they never warned me about
was the drug in your smile
and how every time you looked at me i would be stopped dead in my
no matter how hard i tried to pick up my feet and keep walking
and hell, i don’t need to be warned about drunk driving
because every time i think about what we used to have i can’t think
what am i supposed to do then
and i have no idea what i’m supposed to do
because yes they warned me about knives
but they never warned me about how much it would feel like i’m being
stabbed every time i think about you
i think that hurts a little bit more
than those knives they warned me about

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