What if's of the World | Teen Ink

What if's of the World

February 26, 2014
By Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
23 articles 3 photos 0 comments

What if the whole f***ing world shattered in the palms of our hands?
What if the stars fell from the sky and buried themselves into the ground?
What if plants could talk and birds couldn’t sing?
What if my screams were coherent and you would finally understand?
What if trees melted to coffee and roots into steam?
What if the answer to a question is a question and a question remains unanswered?
What if we got drunk off life and sober of simplicity?
What if our hands turned to gold and our riches became worthless?
What if dreams became reality?
What if our songs reproduced?
What if our eyes saw beneath the surface?
What if our minds were free of earthly bondage?
What if music was the sole source of the world?
What if the socially acceptable became unacceptable?
What if everyday our souls were born again?
What if the past truly was the past and never dragged into the present?
What if the meaning of life was plastered on a wall for everyone to see?
What if in death we found life?
What if we held beautiful f***ing freedom in the cage of our hearts?

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