Honey Bees | Teen Ink

Honey Bees

February 26, 2014
By collidingstarsxx SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
collidingstarsxx SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I swim for brighter days, despite the absence of sun"

In the unseen frozen green
Outside icicles swept clean
And as the windows open
Dark clouds became an omen
Of the raindrops about to fling
For what was next was spring
Flowers awake in morning sun
Scents in the air soothly spun
The floral aroma all around
Petals perfectly safe and sound
Only dew laid on the grass
Droplets gleam look like glass
Joyful green spreads the earth
Picnics and watched clouds
The people come in crowds
The flowers are respected
The grass is accepted
But the bees are rejected
When everything is interconnected
The bees fly day after day
And the people of nothing to say
Black and yellow
Much smaller than a fellow
But is smacked and swatted away
This is the price they must pay
For making their stolen sweets
For people to get off the streets
Bees put their honey in combs
But thieves steal them inside their homes
Put in markets to share with all
Honey bees only can stand small
The flowers bloomed
The grass got to get groomed
The honey bees were cheated
While the cheats get treated

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