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February 27, 2014
By LariaLeLion BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
LariaLeLion BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's darker than black, it's lighter than light.
It's the biggest tease, though it can be so nice.
A container of dreams and a jar of happiness.
A vessel of memories and a box of sadness.
You're a black hole that's responsible for my creativity.
You're quick to make decisions and slow to fix mistakes.
You're the one who controls my emotions and I'm quite mad at you.
But you still don't know what your crime was.
Your crime was the friends I've lost.
Your crime was the things you've said.
Your crime was the way you communicated.
Your reward was the insults I've received.
Your reward was the tears I've shed.
Your reward was the pride you've gained.
I hate everything about you, yet I'm forced to love you.
You've just had the pleasure if meeting my mind.

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