Staying Alive | Teen Ink

Staying Alive

March 4, 2014
By dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do the seasons have to change. Can’t everyone just choose their own season whenever they would like. Well, that’s because earth doesn’t work like that. Mother nature does what she wants and we all, as people, plants and animals, have to live with that. People are constantly wondering if they are going to survive to get home due to black ice on the road, blizzard warnings, and cars not starting because of the brisk winters. Animals fighting for every last nibble to hide away for hibernation. Plants die because they can’t keep warm during the frigid winter months, so they shrivel up all brown and crunchy. So the plants wait till spring to blossom and enjoy life again. Human beings are the only living creature on earth that can bear the unfriendliness of winter. Why put all the other living creatures out in our world to suffer for 89 long winter days if they can’t handle it. So, when all the animals disappear, it means winter is here.

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