They all die | Teen Ink

They all die

March 1, 2014
By Marylou SILVER, Gilford, Nevada
Marylou SILVER, Gilford, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to clime trees it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.<br /> -Albert Einstein.

Please don't leave me. don't you leave to.
You said that it would be alright, that I would not have to see this.
You said that t would not be this bad, that the fire would not kill everyone.
Its gone, everything is all gone.
Why did you lie to me. Why did you tell me it would be fine.
Nothing is fine. Its all gone, you're gone.

Soon it will me my turn, right?
Soon I will not have to watch every die, right?
I can't watch anymore, but I can’t leave either.

The author's comments:
One day I was talking to one of my friends (who also is a writer) about some of my work, and how I did not know what to wright about. He suggested to me that I wright a piece about a dinosaur who is watching everyone around him die. Depressing, yes, but I took the idea and went from there.

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