Lies of a Mirror | Teen Ink

Lies of a Mirror

March 7, 2014
By Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are foot prints on the moon"

Like a screen door before a glass one.
You hide the beauty with something so tragic.
But when the storm comes,
the screen will break and what are you left with?
One day you’ll let me see the inside clearly.
But I want to see it before the storm arrives.
I can protect you, but I can’t protect
what I can’t know is there.
Like a screen door before a glass one.
You hide the beauty with something so tragic.
But when the storm comes,
the screen will break and you will be forced to show yourself.
Maybe someday I can forget such tragedies,
but I can’t give up without a brawl
I can love you.
I want to love you.
Maybe, someday, I'll know what it’s like
to be in your shoes.
Maybe this mirror in front of me
just can’t tell the truth.
Maybe I really am just looking at you.
You who is me.

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