Basketball | Teen Ink


March 11, 2014
By srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is fun to play basketball.
Even if you are not tall.
People are trying to show their immense skill.
However, the sound of the ball going inside the hoop can kill
Someone’s dream.
However don’t let the ball touch the top of the beam.
For if it does touch the top of the beam,
Your teammates will scream.
However, you might lose the game,
But you should still try to get fame.
Many people trying to be like someone else,
But you should make your presence felt.
Don’t try to hog the ball,
Or else your team will fall.
It’s never fun to lose,
But it’s always fun to have cool shoes.
Always try to take the game winning shot,
Even if your dream shoes can’t be bought.
Never give up on your goals,
Or they will go start to become holes.
Always have fun playing the game
Because that could be your ticket to fame.

The author's comments:
My piece is about something I truly enjoy.

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