To Be a Girl | Teen Ink

To Be a Girl

March 6, 2014
By skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Boys have no idea what it's like to be a girl.

From going on shopping sprees to applying our make-up,

They just don't get it!

We don't take our time getting ready to make you mad—

It takes us forever to get ready because we want to impress you!

You just don't understand how it works, do you boys?

We not only have to shower, but have to take the time to shave our legs JUST for you.

Because we don't do it for ourselves—we could care less about being a bit prickly!

Then we have to blow dry our hair—a tedious job.

And sometimes we even style it, using a curling iron or a straightener,

to get those bouncy curls or that “naturally straight” look!

Make-up is a whole other story—and a time consuming task at that.

First the concealer and foundation, then on to choosing the perfect shadow or liner,

to bring out the color in our eyes.

And then we slap on a few coats of mascara to get the “full, long eyelashes” look.

Picking out what to wear can take a while—we wouldn't want to wear anything unflattering,

or something even unfashionable!

You boys just roll out of bed and throw on the first thing you see.

And not near as many people would judge you as a girl would be judged for the same action.

It's really quite ridiculous!

We try out best to smell nice for you—scented lotions, floral fragrances and all that jazz.

Some of you boys don't even bother to put on some deodorant!


We girls try our best to impress you—we go through a lot to look AND smell good!

The least you boys could do is put forth a little effort to impress us too.

It's really aggravating when we try so hard and you boys could care less about how you look

and how you dress.

I'm not saying being a girl is a terrible thing—it would just be nice if boys would show

a little respect and pay us a compliment every once in a while.

After all, we don't just do this for ourselves.

Boys just don't understand, do they?

The author's comments:
This is a rant poem. A rant about how hard it is to be a girl and how boys just don't understand.

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