why take my joy away | Teen Ink

why take my joy away

March 10, 2014
By jaylove BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
jaylove BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its only a minor set back for a major comeback..

Why take my joy away do I hurt your face when your eyes chase because of my race.
Do I affined you when I grind or is you mad because we’re all living in sin.
Does my sassiness and classiness upset you?
Because if so it’s ok to tell the truth.
Does your heart stop when I walk by, because I’m living my life in your living a lie.
Do you always say mean things because I make you feel so vein.
Which may or may not cause the reason you’re insane?
But wait it still doesn’t explain …
Why take my joy away!
Is it because you’re scared to say I’m beautiful in every way.
Or is it that when you see my face I sometimes make your day.
But I just don’t understand!
Why take my joy away

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