Spirits Who Need | Teen Ink

Spirits Who Need

March 10, 2014
By Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Sunshine100 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

They come when the night is out.
They travel through the dark.
They watch me as I sleep.
I see them through my eyes.
They are the demons that haunt me.
They never leave me alone.

I can never be left alone
When I feel like I've shut them out.
The evil spirits find their way back to me.
Lurking amongst the eerie dark.
I try to talk to them, to look them in the eyes,
but I’m sucked into a coma of sleep.

I dream in my long sleep.
When I dream I’m not alone.
I’m seeing someones life through my eyes.
The eyes of the ones who had been cast out,
from heaven, the fallen ones left to the dark.
They want to live through me.

They want to possess me.
That is why I can’t sleep,
because they’ll come for me in the dark.
As long as I live I’ll never be alone.
The elongated nights never die out.
Tired, straining, open eyes.

My desert dried eyes.
Why do they continue to haunt me.
I want them out.
I crave the taste of sleep.
I want to be left alone.
I want to close my eyes to the dark.
I dream and I see their lives through my eyes.
I feel a presence and I’m not alone.
Someone is standing right beside me.
They talk to me while I sleep.
They want out.

Leaving them alone, would only mean leaving them in the dark.
Shutting them out, means no rest will ever come to my eyes.
They need me, so they can peacefully sleep.

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