My Favorite Color | Teen Ink

My Favorite Color

March 20, 2014
By skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pink is my favorite color
Everywhere I look it jumps out at me
I see a pink pencil at school
I see pink cotton candy at the fair
I see a pink strawberry milkshake at the ice cream parlor
I see a dancer, gracefully jumping in her pink ballet shoes
I see pink lipstick at the store in the make-up isle
I see the pink sunset in the heat of summer
I see pink tulips blooming in spring
I see a girl chewing her pink bubblegum in the street
Pink is a happy color
And that's why it is my favorite.

The author's comments:
This describes my love for the color pink.

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