Random Ranting | Teen Ink

Random Ranting

March 22, 2014
By GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I write it fills this hole
Deep inside of my soul
A hole like burns like a fire
Fueled by desire
And it burns out of control

I hope whatever I wrote
Are more than just words people quote
I hope it makes an impact in your life
To help manage the pain and strife
But I’ll never try shoving my beliefs down your throat

I respect all the differences that make this world different
I enjoy getting to know the shades of this world and those that are in it
I love understanding that people aren’t the same
And although some people don’t understand
It’s not okay to use certain names
I try not to teach by the back of my hand

I try to enlighten and brighten one’s future and mind
I try to great-en and heighten the ability to be kind

Love is how you wear down a stone heart
Respect is how you start to cast out the dark
The difference in you and them may be stark
But you’re one of a kind, ignore all other remarks

For you have found something that they’ll never find
A diamond in the rough that just needs a chance to shine
And one day you’ll find your light so bright it’ll blind
And that’ll be the day one learns to be kind.

The author's comments:
I just started writing.

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