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March 22, 2014
By GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm running, running
I'm trying to escape.
I'm running, I'm running
And it seems too late.

I'm running, I'm running
But I keep looking back
At the demons who won't stop
As long as my heart's intact.

As long as I hold on
As long as I don't give in
They'll be chasing me
Desperate to win

They won't "play fair"
Or even give you a break,
You'll just have to keep running, running
Trying to escape.

And they'll be chasing, chasing
And they won't stop 'till it's all over
They'll keep attacking, attacking
Until it's too much to shoulder.

But we can't give up
This is something we must do
Jesus took all the sins in the world
For both me and for you.

He showed both the Devil and us
He's as strong as the Devil is weak,
And as long as we're with him
We can't be beat.

But sometimes it gets tough
The going gets a little rough
And it feels like you've had enough
But you have to learn how to call the Devil's bluff

You have to learn how to see through the lies
Defeat all his spies
Recognize and realize
Who you are to the father in the sky.

So just keep running, running
As they keep chasing, chasing
And attacking, attacking
Because sooner or later
You'll be the last one laughing

Sittin' high up in your mansion in the glory kingdom
Lavishing in the luxury of the greatest freedom

Spending everyday with family and friends you helped through the war
You showed them the right way, helped them settle the final score

And when you're done running, running
And they stop chasing, chasing
And they call off all the ones attacking attacking,
You realize the whole timeYou've had the Holy Father's backing

And there's nothing you can't do
With God at your side
As long as you're with him
The Devil will flee at your sight.

And sometimes you stumble
It happens, you're human
You have to fight your way back,
It'll be hard, that's true AND

It'll seem very lonely
Like no one else is there
No one to hear your screams
No one to even care

Like an army of a thousand
Have come to attack you
And no matter how hard you fight
It seems the whole world's against you

It seems you cannot win
And all hope is lost
But just remember who you are
And what your freedom cost

Remember your friends inChrist
Your Brothers in faith,
Ones who'll help you back up
Who'll set you back into pace

Because if one can beat a thousand, what can two do?
Two Brothers in Christ can do anything that they need to.

They can help you try
They can help you survive
They can point you towards the right light
They can help you through this hard life

But in the end it's still up to you
And based on what you do
Based on if you lived your life true
Based on if you lived your life new
You can live eternity in Heaven

But just like someone helped you
You should help someone too
Because they get down and depressed
So help them like someone helped you
Do unto them, what you would want
Done unto you

We go through this life trying to get to a goal
But we need to act like Jesus, to God we need to be sold

Because the Devil attacks your thoughts
He sends Demons to attack your heart
But if you keep on keeping on
You can get a new start

Because in this life
We have to follow God the whole time
Helping one another
Thinking of your things as "God's", not "Mine"

Because if you want to reach God's final attraction,
Control what you do, for he judges your Actions.

The author's comments:
God is my inspiration.

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