Old Love Letters | Teen Ink

Old Love Letters

March 22, 2014
By GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me where did I go wrong
Been wondering for oh so long
And no longer would I say I'm strong.

Since you killed me, killed my heart
Never quite gave us a start
And now you leave me falling apart.

So I'll cry and heal awhile
As will be my new lifestyle
Add another day of fake smiles.

But now I'm healing just in time
For me to write another rhyme
About your old "victim-less" crime.

And thoughts of you will break old scars
Dimming out the golden stars
Thrown and put behind locked bars.

But with each day I get better
Stepping out, braving the weather
Throwing out your old love letters.

The author's comments:
Getting over love.

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