Why Can't I Let You Go | Teen Ink

Why Can't I Let You Go

March 22, 2014
By GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Couple months trying,
and no progress to show.
I have to know.
What would have happened if I never let you go.
What would happen if I never let you leave?
Would you still be here with me?
What would we even be?
I can't say.
But today,
I'm missing you.
Not sure what I could do.
I hope that this ends soon
Because I regress every day.
Everyday I pay.
For letting you go away.
Can't seem to say goodbye.
Can't seem to climb back to that high.
Can't seem to know how to fix it or even how to make it right.
If she never knows,
It'll be too soon.
I'll just hide the feelings away
And not let my emotions ruin her day.
Even though I still don't know
How I let you go down that road
How I let the days grow cold
How I let my brokenness show
Why can't I let you go?

The author's comments:
A break up.

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