What Love Can Do | Teen Ink

What Love Can Do

March 22, 2014
By GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
GoingThroughLife SILVER, Amelia, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What can love do to you?
Love can change your mind, then change it again
Love can erase the pain then set you on fire once more
Love can take everything you thought you knew about life
As if you know gravity will hold you here,
You know fire burns
You know you probably shouldn't
Yet you feel as if you're floating away, away from here and towards there
Where they are
The fire suddenly...
Doesn't hurt, doesn't destroy, but creates
Creates a spark in you like nothing else
No birthday, graduation, or Thanksgiving can reach that far into the cavernous regions of your heart
And wipe off that old dusty thing you called a heart, and send it beating into a rythm all it's own
You shouldn't
You know you shouldn't dare
But you can't help yourself
Curiosity fills your whole body and you won't be satisfied with just a theory
When the experiment is over, and you've realized you've awoken something deep inside of you
Something you've nither seen nor felt in a long time
You wake up to a movie scene where birds are chirping, sunlight floods the room, and you wake feeling like no matter what happens from here on out, whether life knocks you down or pushes you away, you'll get back up and fight back until you've gotten what you came for.
And what did you come here for?
You aren't here for anything you can get out of any other emotion
No true joy, true sorrow can be felt but from this simple thing called love
So simple
So powerful
When you're in love's grace life is so good
But when love fights you back it's as if nothing can go right
Nothing can be done
The world is a world of darkness........
Yet you are always able to see it...
Shining like a torch leading the way through
Leading you, and though you may fall trying to escape
Though you may be bruised and battered
Though you are CRYING out at night
Why have I been left in this darkness...
Why have I been left unhappy...
Those remenants of past love...
Those shards of your heart you carry hoping to find a solution
They will lead you back to where you shouldn't go
You will do what you shouldn't do
You will scratch and claw and fight your way back...
For those few brief moments of love
That you hope will turn into a lifetime
You wish upon a shooting star
With the same look in your eyes as a child first seeing the sunset
Or an astronaut first looking upon the earth
Filled with a sense of pride
Is a dangerous game with which you come so close to the end
Only to realize you've never been further from winning
Love is a vacation on a cruise, and you get stranded on an island feeling totally alone
Love is something only tangible through emotions
You cannot touch love, you cannot smell love, you cannot taste nor hear nor see it
But you can hold their hand, you can recognize their scent
You can remember the taste of their smile, the sound of their voice
The joy on their face when they laugh
You cannot grasp the concept of love...
Yet it's one of the most easiest things to do
It comes naturally as if it were hardwired into your system
As if you're a robot which can do nothing else but love
Love is all you can think, see, do, feel....
But you can't.
Love is not able to be seen, felt, thought of...
Love is something that everyone has felt, everyone has longed for
Love is cruel as death
The only difference is without love, you welcome death as a helpful friend
But with love you fight death off with everything you have
Love is the most backwards, upside-down, stupidest thing you can do...
Yet love is what we all long for...
Is what love can do to you.

The author's comments:
A different style of writing.

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