Microphone | Teen Ink


March 25, 2014
By Shekinah_G. BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Shekinah_G. BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I am loud and my sound is crisp. I hear the bad things.
I speak her voice loud and clear
Her song flows through me.
The truth becomes me
her truth;words only she and I know.
Sound travels through me good and bad.
I speak wisdom and kind words
As if it is the only thing I know.

Now she knows my voice. She listens to me.
She needs everyone to hear us
to know her pain and frustrations.
Her voice dances across me; she enjoys the freedom.
I hear her cry and I respond sincerely.
I comfort her.
I help her finish her song, not quite there she still has work to do.
Her cry is loud, her voice will be heard. They listen to her with my help
like a crowd wanting more.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in eighth grade for my English class. We were on a Poetry unit and we had to write a free-verse poem where you have to "crack the code". This was kind of like how I felt about a Microphone because I love to sing.

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