I Cut Them Down | Teen Ink

I Cut Them Down

April 3, 2014
By thisisheather BRONZE, Auburn, California
thisisheather BRONZE, Auburn, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whatever it was between you and I
Was as lively as a forest
But I went into it with saws
And cut every tree down
I am so sorry

I told you I hated you
Because “I hate you” was the only phrase I could think of
That was equally as powerful as the three words I actually wanted to say
But those words got stuck in my throat
And choked me
Until my face was blue
I am so sorry

The only way I can make this right
Is to take revenge on myself
So now I am standing at the top
It’s cold up here
I’m shivering
But I won’t be for long
I am so sorry

If a flame of forgiveness ever begins to spark
Somewhere in your conscience
I want you to unleash a storm upon it
And forever dampen the walls of your mind
So that such a fire can never ignite
I am so sorry

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