A Part Of me | Teen Ink

A Part Of me

April 4, 2014
By Anonymous

A part of me was missing
I looked in the mirror and didn't feel myself anymore
Drugs were my life
and drinking was my escape
something didn't feel right
a part of me disappeared
my only goal was to fit in and do what the people around me where doing
I was tired of feeling alone
Thinking to myself
“ Will acting like someone I'm not make me liked by the others around me?”
I waited four years to find that missing part
that missing part was my wake up call
I am who I am
and I will no longer change for anybody
I'm unique and weird
My flaws are what make me beautiful
Drugs are not the answer to being happy
and that missing part
over all showed me that life is what you make it
It taught me that fighting with my parents isn't worth it
family will say and do things
out of love
That missing part taught me how to respect myself
it made me stronger
and helped me realize
The more you complain about life the harder it will get
Never regret
Keep your head held high
and reach for the sky

The author's comments:
At a young age i started doing drugs. Family wasn't there for me when the doctors told them i was Manic Depressant. They told me " Its all in your head"
"Get over it"
I felt crazy. They don't believe in medication so i ran to drugs. Not just weed. Drugs that where a lot worse. Crack, and Pills ( Molly, Volume, adderall ) I got back on my feet by myself. i started those drugs at the age of 13 and it took me 4 years to get where i am today. My parents still don't except the fact that i'm Manic but i came to the realization that drugs where not a good escape. My brother has been in jail and rehab throughout his whole life and i was hoping to be a good roll model to him and show him that anything is possible.

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