What I See | Teen Ink

What I See

March 29, 2014
By Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Some people will see you as small and weak. Others will see you as strong and brave, but i doesnt matter how anyone else see's you. As long as when you look in the mirror what you see makes you happy.

My eyes are foggy
And my heart is heavy
I haven’t been able to see much recently

It kind of hurts
like I’m being pushed on from every angle
My lungs feel like they’re full of water
But my eyes are dry

It’s like drowning
Over and over
The sucking in of water
As if it were air
That’s how it feels now
Kind of hurts
Kind of feels good
But it’s going to burn like hell
Once I’m able to breathe again

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