Immortality | Teen Ink


April 2, 2014
By Bookworm890 SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Bookworm890 SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you see black holes?
They are everywhere.
They walk among the
suns and stars that
illuminate our world.
All objects cast shadows,
some more than others

Do you see whirlpools?
They haunt each crest and
dip, hidden by crowds
of faceless waves,
threatening to swallow
the world whole

Do you see twisters?
Trailing death and destruction;
murder in a frenzied scene
of relaxed chaos,
reduced to breezes and
burning wreckage

Do you see wildfires?
Enveloping the world
in a rush of flames,
nothing is beyond their
ever-growing reach.
The brief reign of
an immense land

Will you be a force
of nature to endure,
or a faceless wave,
lapping on the shore?

Who are you to claim
to be a sun or star or moon?
To shine bright, hot, and brief,
or prevail long, hard, and weak.
Will you shine forever,
or for a mere moment
in the vast night sky?

The author's comments:
Who do you want to be?

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