Death | Teen Ink


April 10, 2014
By Hawx76 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
Hawx76 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the two best things in the world are drinking and religion, so drink religiously.

Hate as red as the blood it comes from,
Cut cold inside, the swath gurgles with blood,
Death coming near too close for comfort,
Ease coming too soon,
Pain a good sign as trying to survive,
Shutting down is what your body does,
No feeling of any remorse,
Hate the one who did this to you,
Too young must this poor soul die,
Bright light shining above his face,
Light growing bigger swallowing your vision whole,
Tightening of flesh and muscle,
Going towards the light,

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