I am my Own | Teen Ink

I am my Own

April 14, 2014
By Lauren Fuhr BRONZE, Spearfish, South Dakota
Lauren Fuhr BRONZE, Spearfish, South Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little soldiers, marching forward,
Upward, to and fro
Not knowing where we're going,
Just March. Just follow.

Dazed and diminished, our minds are not finished,
They're empty and hollow
Take us anywhere, we'll already be there,
Because really, there's no place to go

Let me out, scream and shout,
Wake up, raise your head
Take away the numbness for pain,
And love, and joy, and dread

Is it worth it? Do we deserve it?
Stop taking what you're fed
Find your eyes, soul arise,
You're slumbering, not dead

You know now to raise your shield,
Stop letting them defile
Your thoughts, your heart, your mind, your words
They can no longer beguile

Little soldiers, marching forward,
But you're no longer a child
Step away, free from chains,
Maybe stay a while

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