The Ocean Waves | Teen Ink

The Ocean Waves

April 11, 2014
By Hannah Mikesell BRONZE, Huson, Montana
Hannah Mikesell BRONZE, Huson, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With a crash and a spraying of foam,
the waves come.
They come, the heartbeat of Earth,
they beat, a special pattern.

The waves come,
They bring with them
the treasures from below,
for lucky beachgoers to find.

They bring with them
delicate shells
and ancient rocks
that have tumbled through the waves.

Delicate shells
otters have touched,
and orcas have rubbed against,
shells that have seen the world.

Otters have touched
the swaying kelp forests,
and played with their harbor seal friends.
They play in the waves, together.

The swaying kelp forests,
in the deep blue waters that
sunlight glints through, creating a place
of serene, yet troubled waters.

In the deep blue waters that
with a crash, and a spraying of foam,
of serene, yet troubled waters,
they come, the heartbeat of Earth.

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