If a Tree Falls | Teen Ink

If a Tree Falls

April 12, 2014
By MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,does it make a sound?
It’s falling fast to the ground
But no one seems to notice
Kind of like a young kid

When children are called fat, stupid, or worthless, are their cries heard?
Their self esteem falling fast
But no one seems to notice
Kind of like a preteen

When preteens are pushed into their school lockers, does anyone hear the bang?
Their confidence falling fast
But no one seems to notice
Kind of like a teenager

When freshman get labeled a fag, are their screams ever heard?
Their sense of self worth falling fast
But no one seems to notice
Do you see the pattern?

When a tree falls in a forest, it does make a sound?
It’s falling fast
You could be the one to hear it
Kind of like a friend.

The author's comments:
Empowering the bystander.

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