My Cell Phone | Teen Ink

My Cell Phone

April 22, 2014
By skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's always with me, unless I am busy
Sometimes it is a distraction
Most of the time it is helpful
It can be used as many things
It can be a book, a store, or even a game
When people aren't here for me, my cell phone is
One could say it's almost like a friend
It brings me joy and entertainment
It always allows me to call my grandma when I am feeling sad or lonely
My cell phone helps me keep in touch with friends that are far away

The author's comments:
Cell phones are an important part of life today. I needed an idea for an original poem and I looked over at my phone and decided to write about it.

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