finding the balance | Teen Ink

finding the balance

April 23, 2014
By The-Common-Paradox SILVER, Centralia, Washington
The-Common-Paradox SILVER, Centralia, Washington
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life is about using the whole crayon box"-anonyms

When I worry,
I think that I'll never make it,
that maybe someday my confidence level will raise to a level too high to control,
is it right to be afraid to find too much confidence?
Sometimes I feel it is,
is it wrong to dream of humbleness,
and to ever fear that confidence leads to a high level of vanity,
something I always fear,
to care about how I look to others,
than how humble I wish to be,
if only there was a way to turn the ship,
to feel both humble, and confident,
but now writing this,
there is away,
to be confident in what one cares about,
to remain humble without thought of vanity,
and only to confide confidence to self,
never to portray vanity about what's yet to come,
to put confidence in what one does,
the balance is up to you,
are you one to wish to be confident,
and fear what it may do?

The author's comments:
To defeat your fears, in finding a better solution for them.

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