Alone | Teen Ink


April 18, 2014
By Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A train stands alone in the rain.
A small boy stands alone,
His mother on the phone,
Her mind in another place
Red lips flapping, high heeled toe tapping, words drone on—
All aboard.
Quiet steps up, face twists around, trusting eyes linger panicked
Hand slipped—too late
Doors click shut,
He was stuck.
Fear dwells in his eyes
but not a hint of surprise.

Tiny palms
against the cloudy windows,
inhale the stench
of unhappy
Whimpers drowned out
by indifferent grown-up chatter,
cackling phone-glued teens.

Where will he go?
His mind in another place,
His mother on the phone.
A small boy stands alone,
A train moves alone in the rain.

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