“Superheroes” | Teen Ink


April 18, 2014
By Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Superman and Wonder Woman--heroes night and day!
Rescue all and fight for justice, making the world safe and sound,
Stars shining, twinkling above, always within sight
Never doubting, never fearing, never falling short,
Superheroes save the day, the dream of innocent eyes.

But growing older, growing weaker, a sliver of kryptonite,
Not as perfect as once thought, and imperfections leak, dripping through
Stars dulling, dreams blurring, where is that hope now,
Who will save the day of doubts, when superheroes fade?

Dust crumbles down from sad wrinkles, creases
Strong warm arms turn frail and sore,
What to believe in, where is the faith,
Veiny clear skin reveals weakness within
Where are my heroes, are they gone?
They’re the same; my eyes are opened, curtains unfold in cruelly candid light.

Weakness, strength, weakness, strength,
Strength grown from weakness, heroes from flaws.
Fiery awe turns to glowing embers of respect.

Not the same feelings, but their love leaves me in awe.

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