Stargazers Lament | Teen Ink

Stargazers Lament

April 18, 2014
By EternalStorm4 BRONZE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
EternalStorm4 BRONZE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking at the stars and closing my lids, -- Lost but not found in my own reality, -- Truly living above borderlines in my mind -- From America to Petersburg. Iran ----
Delusions of liars among the altruistic sinners, -- Whispering in the ears of the wishers, -- I hate to forgive but also to forget, -- A tale in blood is hiding from regret, ----
Perfection to dreams of imperfection, -- Vowing to grow up to become kids, -- Do you fall asleep to this Defection? -- What lessons are they teaching to these kids? ----
Leading into the angered thoughtful, -- In my mind I find my individuality, -- Dreaming form class to the Hopeful -- My aspirations bring liberality! ----
Questioning the purpose of this soul movement -- Cabeza, is filled with purpose I lament, ----
Rebellion about borderlines in my mind, -- Overthrowing our pain in this minivan, -- In blood is the non-peaceful petition signed, -- And we're vandalizing the dictionary ----
From America to Pakistan. Iran.

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