Unsung Hero of the Pandas and the Unicorns | Teen Ink

Unsung Hero of the Pandas and the Unicorns

April 29, 2014
By brittanyabuhoff BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
brittanyabuhoff BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny..." - C.S. Lewis

I always had tea parties
With my pandas and unicorns and bears
We’d drink the herbal tea that my mom got from David’s
On Sainte Catherine Street in Montréal
And the bamboo stalks that I pretended were trees in China
But were really from the ancient land called The-back-of-my-freezer
I’d sip the tea and it would burn my lips
Like sulfuric acid on skin
But I felt like an adult, and a good host
Because my guests wouldn’t mutter a word
And they seemed happy
The four musky grey walls opened up to infinity
I would be the unsung hero.

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