Until Death | Teen Ink

Until Death

April 24, 2014
By C.Young BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
C.Young BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Murderous options
Unreliable truths
Unreadable captions
Indestructible youth

In the outline of strangers
Blizzards will pave the way
There is no need for favors
And the payment is due today

When death is the master
And it has no preference of time
All that is left is disaster
Who will sound the chime?

There is safety and danger
Behind the confinement of walls
And you think it's a stranger
Until the undeniable calls

The author's comments:
When someone very close to me passed away, I realized how fast everything can be taken away.

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