The Performer | Teen Ink

The Performer

May 5, 2014
By Lackadaisical.Lupines BRONZE, Sherman Oaks, California
Lackadaisical.Lupines BRONZE, Sherman Oaks, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To touch the lips of brave souls
Letting voices ring out
Don't be afraid.
Nobody will be judged here.

To quench the thirst of the performer who is fearless
Am I making a fool out of myself?
Do I care?

To light up the eyes of anyone watching
"I wish I had that much energy."
"I wish I was talented so I could perform."
But you can!

American flag
To show that here there is freedom
The right to freedom of expression was granted a long time ago!
We can say no, or we can say yes.
I say yes to expression.
I say yes to freedom.

To guide us to the microphone, the lights, the water, the flag
And to give us the opportunity to live.
I think we should take it.
Do you?
I say

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem by the theatre. I love performing and I think people shouldn't be self-conscious.

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