In Leaving | Teen Ink

In Leaving

May 8, 2014
By AidanDD GOLD, Arlington Heights, Illinois
AidanDD GOLD, Arlington Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fortunately, somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination, the only thing that protects our freedom, despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether" -Luis Bunuel

Was it you that I saw in my sleep between sleeps?

The dream angel bore a resemblance, but sparkled aluminum.

Light glinted off of the armor frame,

And erupted through to the white wall which stood behind.

The greasy brown spackle crumbled

White paint dribbled to the floor

Revealing a dying sun whose light

Is a match stick to your luminosity

Within an instant, the silvery form shot up

And through the ceiling it flew careening

To the outer reaches of the atmosphere.

A glint of light and a single rain drop

Were the last things to disappear

Into the black, speckled with

Uncommon somethings, but mostly nothing.

Nothing else mattered.

I dream more often now

And wait for the metal statuette.

I’ll sit in the parlour

And look for signals from the outer
Outside of the window,

I haven’t bothered to check, but

There’s a space shuttle next to the SUV

and a jail cell, next to that.

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