The Trouble with Writing | Teen Ink

The Trouble with Writing

May 8, 2014
By LivyGirl98 BRONZE, Marinette, Wisconsin
LivyGirl98 BRONZE, Marinette, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is writing so hard?
So very, very difficult?
I sit and ponder
And wonder and wonder
Yet still face a blank sheet of paper.
The tip of my pen remains untouched
My thoughts just cease to flow.

Why is writing so challenging?
So very, very demanding?
I can think of all that exists in the world
Yet can't think of a single word.
My paper remains untouched
And my brain remains muddled.
Why can't I form the right words?
Every time I try to think, the words scatter from my brain
Like birds that have been flustered from their nest.

Why is writing so troublesome?
So very, very irritating?
The words form in my mind,
Yet can't make the journey to my paper.
My imagination goes blank –
as blank as the paper in front of me.
Will writing ever get easier?

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