Listen to the Music | Teen Ink

Listen to the Music

May 9, 2014
By skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
skyann97 GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Listen to the music, what can you hear?
The instruments intertwine to make a beautiful song.
What do you hear first?
The booming bass or the melodic piano?
Maybe you hear the guitar wildly being strummed,
or maybe you hear the triumphant trumpet.
Do the drums make you want to dance?
The beat is contagious.
Does the music have a great effect on you?
Appreciate the sounds you hear.
Some cannot hear the music,
be thankful you have the opportunity to.
Let the music into you.
Let the music touch your soul.
Listen to the music, appreciate what you hear.

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