My Ode to Walt | Teen Ink

My Ode to Walt

April 30, 2014
By disneydaisy BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
disneydaisy BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a dream,
it all started with
one small mouse.
Not a normal mouse,
of course,
but a little
paper and ink doodle
of a mouse
(as opposed to a
living, breathing, soft rodent
that is feared in all
established restaurants).
The mouse was a civilized
and clothed individual that was created by
a young man with an old dream.
Over the weeks, the months, the years, the decades,
the mouse had caused a volcano to erupt, smothering
all standards,
and limits,
and caps
that Society had placed to constrain one’s
imagination. . .
With the help of that whistling mouse
and the imaginative young man that created him,
the lava from the Society’s temperamental volcano
had crumbled to bits.
It took with it all that confined the boundaries of ideas.
It was from that moment
that stories of heroes, princes, princesses,
animal sidekicks,
villains both evil and redeemed
started to sprout explosively.
Blooming and growing, transforming into
a moving picture company
when suddenly…
it evolved into what it is now. And it all started with the small, whistling, civilized, friendly mouse and the man that created him:


The author's comments:
I wrote it about Walt Disney, because it seemed fitting... I'm kinda obsessed with EVERY Disney movie. At least the ones like Aladdin, Lilo and Stitch, and Atlantis. BUT NO SEQUELS. EVER.

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