Rain Dance | Teen Ink

Rain Dance

May 2, 2014
By Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
23 articles 3 photos 0 comments

A soft rain coat
Wrapped in mornings dew
With the fog of winters hymn.
A silhouette of the moon shine
Play against the wooden huts
The song a stream of string instruments
A lullaby as soft as the tides of the ocean.
Their naked feet jumping, sliding, moving against the wet ground
Catching the droplets of rain into the palms of their hands
Singing their praises to the God of Blue Sky’s and the God of Rain.
Mashing their feet into the mud feeling the wet soil between their toes
The rain blowing on their naked backs
Cascading down the spin.
Pressing their lips to the cold earth
Their eyes rose to the sky in thanks
For life’s sweet unrest
As deaths tender hand Hovers.

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