The Girl That Spoke | Teen Ink

The Girl That Spoke

May 3, 2014
By Saif Kureishi BRONZE, Singapore, Other
Saif Kureishi BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark and daunting,
she’s wanting,
a life without Pain, Stretch or Anguish;

How foolish of her to think without speaking,
to live without dreaming,
fly without gleaming.

she sits,
in her frizzled frets,
waiving rapidly at nothing at all.

Her hands are unmoving,
this debate: she is losing,
and her life:
an invisible ball.

Her eyes float, wall to wall,
then focused, heavily, on the door,
her brain saying yes, but her heart,
wanting more.

And then she objects,
in a frenzied rage,
proclaimed her interest,
demur, protest, attempting to wage,
a war upon Him,
who was speaking so fluent,
yet the Garbage coming out: Incredibly Translucent.

they all,

So surprised at her reaction,
the men, they all take action,
by forming a faction,
that gains enough traction,
to remove her,
for such an infraction.

“Out of the room!”
“Stay at home!”
“Grab a broom!”

So, now we call,
the girl who challenged all,
with her voice:
the ignorant one,
trying to express her lack of choice.

That is where a frazzled girl sat,
quite, defiant,
like an invisible wall,
if only, we had less of them.

The author's comments:
This is meant to be an attack on those that share the views expressed in this poem.

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