Youthful Exploration | Teen Ink

Youthful Exploration

May 11, 2014
By Mturkmenn BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Mturkmenn BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aging is just a word No man really ages on the inside You can grow and develop wrinkles Lose the ability to run or walk Though on the inside Deep down in the soul We are all just juveniles Making mistakes We are all still innocent Longing to rewind the years We advance with more wit But we still maintain the same dreams And wish for things just as any other adolescent Our bodies may be waning But our souls are thriving with wisdom And becoming erudite The divine smell of childhood Oh yes, the dainty image of youthfulness It is but yet a universal idea Created by the one and only man kind

The author's comments:
I just don't think being called childish is a bad thing.

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