What's in a dream? | Teen Ink

What's in a dream?

May 12, 2014
By jensweet89 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
jensweet89 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What’s in a dream?
One day you’re young, the skies are bright
but the light begins to fade, as your days go on
The pressures of life infringe on your plans
and before you know it you’re settling for less than

You never intended to go to that school
That wasn’t the major you dreamt of
But it just wasn’t realistic
it just wasn’t worth the money to follow that path
it wasn’t worth the risk

But someone has to take the risks,
someone has to take the fall
I sit here wondering,
Which is worse?
Is it worse to look back, and see the struggle and failure
To know you never made it
Or instead have to wonder if you could’ve made it

Right now, its easy to say I’ll never choose money
That I won’t lose sight of what I really want to do
But only a select few manage to keep that vision for their whole life
while the rest of us have to try our best to make peace with our cancelled dreams

The author's comments:
This was an art meditation inspired by a Banksy piece.

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