You.. | Teen Ink


May 14, 2014
By sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." - Kurt Cobain

You're so lovely.
Your eyes are the color of the vast ocean..
They're just as terrifying too.

Your hair seems to fall into your eyes,
As easily as i do.
With every nod of your head
and sentence you finish...
I fall deeper.

You write poetry
that you never seem to think is good enough.
And you read books. That sometimes you never finish because you don't want that world to end.

Your laugh vibrates the walls
and your smile is so bright.
It blinds me with love.

I hope to find you again one day.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 15 2014 at 8:18 pm
sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." - Kurt Cobain

Thank you(:

on May. 15 2014 at 8:57 am
bewareofbunnyrabbits SILVER, Winona, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Empty yourself and let the universe fill you." -Yogi Tea

Wow, this is awesome!