Death | Teen Ink


May 12, 2014
By Irishguy77 SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
Irishguy77 SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"DNA doesn't make up a family. Love does." -The Fosters

Till death do us part,
Though it might be too smart.
We use the word everyday,
Though the dead do not have any say.

The gate closed till we are ready,
When finally I will meet Teddy.
Death is peaceful, quick, and short,
So we can go back to the beauty of the court.

The day I die, please give me rest,
For the people I love and are in my life are the best.
Yet, au have a few years to get things done,
Until we meet again and look at the sun.

The light will shine still when we go,
And never again will the roster crow.
Yes, I'm religious and believe in heaven,
But hopefully I will meet my never born sibling named Kevin.

God has a plan for me and I'm not scared,
So let us join hands and really be prepared.

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