To all the heavy-hearted | Teen Ink

To all the heavy-hearted

May 13, 2014
By Krooke BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Krooke BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Please secure your own oxygen masks before assisting those around you.

Poetry is dead,
there's no rhyme or rhythm that could exist to express the emotions or twist tales and tails of the monster of fortune and fate.
Where is my heavy heart?

Poetry is dead,
there are no heavy hearts, only troubled minds and aching bodies.
Why is it called a heavy heart when my head weighs a ton, the pain pulling my eyes to the ground and slowing my steps?

Poetry is dead,
a bullet to its head, a rope to its neck, and a poison on its tongue when it was forced to swallow the truth. Is the heavy heart meant for the victim of my decisions or am I too inhuman to feel the echos bounce against my chest of chains and iron ice?

Poetry is dead,
and i have killed it with the same blow that struck the ones who sang praises in my name, who worshiped something I cannot be. Not didn't, not won't, not wasn't. Can't.

Poetry is dead, because I ran over the hearts of writers of love and lust and everything I ran from on that day when my heavy head hung low to stop me from seeing them in my escape to "freedom".

To all the heavy-hearted,
Poetry is dead,
And I'm sorry.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after I told my first boyfriend I didn't want to date him anymore. His response convinced me, at the time, that I had destroyed something beautiful that we had, that could never exist again. The reason I cried that day wasn't because I was sad, it was because I felt so much happier that it disturbed me. What happened to all the poems about "heavy hearts"?

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