The Maze Of Life | Teen Ink

The Maze Of Life

May 19, 2014
By DaMonkey BRONZE, Lakewood, Illinois
DaMonkey BRONZE, Lakewood, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Holy Light guides all,
Shining brighter for ones worthy.
Dimmer for those unworthy,
Those worthy are in need though,
Surrounded by night,
They become lost and confused.

Holy Light scares away darkness,
Revealing an unsurfaced path.
Forged by the one above,
The path appears to be bent and crooked,
Spiraled and soulless at dawn,
Like a maze with less ends than beginnings.
Holding only one victorious path,
A dim light embraces the road,
Uniquely challenging those before it,
Showing kindness to true-hearted adventurers,
And discouraging selfish clones,
It may be the lengthiest, bumpiest, least traveled by path,
But the prize at the bottom reapes of honor and integrity.

Another path appears,
Stained by darkness and wear,
Trampled upon by a dense crowd,
All constantly changing and adjusting,
Molding to those around them.
Eyes fogged from reality,
Swinging hopelessly for a strong thread,
Blinded minds ignore the rare materials inside of others,
A mislead hand grabs a string,
Interlacing cores and thoughts,
To become stronger on the outside,
But weaker on the inside,
Leaving behind the rare minerals,
Untouched thoughts and dreams,
Laced between a hidden thread,
Dangling for eternity.

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