ONE is sad | Teen Ink

ONE is sad

May 20, 2014
By poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his/her point of view 'till you climb inside of his/her skin and walk around in it~ To Kill a Mocking Bird

Its sad when you are in a room full of people, and you feel like you are the only one. You feel like you are screaming at the top of your lungs and nobody even looks up. Its sad to say I have only one person in my life that I am more then terrifed to lose, but it feels lie that one person would not even care if they lost me. It is sad that one movie can make me cry myself to sleep, because it reminds me of how close we use to be. Its sad that one time can turn ino many times. Its sad you are only given one life and you have already f***ed it up to s***. Its sad when you feel you are the reason all your friends you have move away and leave, becasue every friend you have has done tha most without even saying goodbye. Its sad when no one truts you the way you trust them, you try everything in the world to get them to trust you, but its useless. Its sad when you think you are the only one in the world that will ever understand. Its sad when you are the only one who can not see both your inside and outside beauty. Its sad when you say one day "I will" but that day never comes. Its sad that you are only given one heart and it gets broke at such a young age. Its sad when you have more then just one razor blade hanging around.Its sad when that one friend can change you and turn you into someone you dont even know, for the better and for the worse. Its sad when the only friend you can always go to is a little piece of sharp meatl that make you pay in blood for your time. It is sad when it is daylight out and all you can see is darkness, darkness waiting to creep up on you and take you away, Its sad when you try so hard to make yourself happy, you mange to but only one or two days. Its sad when you give up everyone you love and everone who loves you for that one friend, that you are lossing so fastit like the speed of light. Its sad when you will run and run and run for someone but when you start walking they wont even walk or you. Its sad when you only have one body and you scar it up. Its sad when that one person says they will never leave you, but thearten to cut ties if you say or do something that you would think they would know you could never do that to them, it hurts when it is the only person you are more them teriffed of loseing that has done that like 10 times. Its sad when I tell that one person anything and there is only about a 56% chance of them believeing you and when that one person tells me anything (whuch is VERY little compaired to what I tell) there is only about a 15% chance of me not believing even when I KNOW it is a lie. Its sad that this poem is only about one one person. That one person drives me crazy, makes me wanna rip all my hair out, amd kill everyoe in my path, but at the same time I love that one person so much that losing them would hurt more then ripping my heart out with a rusty one fork. Every time I see that one person they make me fall in love with them every damn time.

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