The Maid's Elegy | Teen Ink

The Maid's Elegy

May 23, 2014
By MattIgoe BRONZE, Amherst, New York
MattIgoe BRONZE, Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

O people—listen to my words.
Listen to the rise and fall of my voice, for by daybreak, it shall be heard nevermore.
But, the voice of God shall resound! All glory be to Him.

O people—the voices came at daybreak.
I, a mere bud, years before blooming, crude in manner and dress, listened.
Cool light cascaded from the sky’s apex, grasses swayed in honeyed winds. All was quiet.

O people—angelic cheeks curved into smiles.
Feet upon clouds, rivers of amber, sweet songs of a thousand seraphs.
Cocooned in a celestial embrace, the fullness of destiny welled in my body like warm libations.

O people—those voices have urged me here.
You stand in silence, and I speak, and the time draws nigh, and the horizon glows pink.
Ah, here he comes, ready to stoke the flame—still no match for the fire of the Spirit.

O people—with Him I have been one.
With Him I am enjoined—flesh bound to spirit, He, the Sun behind the eclipse of my being.
No mortal skin has touched my own—but His I have known—release me from this mortal shell!

O people—I have done His Will.
I have clutched the metal in my hand, beheld its hard-hewn majesty, wielded its crimson blade.
I have held it high, upward to God, poised for action, poised for entry, poised for death.

O people—smite me if you can.
But I am held in the Hand of the One Who is Most High.
The Cross is my beacon, and now, I stand at Calvary—the flame is lit

O people—let me pass away.
I have done my duty, Oh God, I have, and though, though the time has come…
Nothing shall I fear, no sweat shall pour from my brow, no remorse shall leach my soul.

O people—abide here.
Wait, watch the sun ascend over the gold-crowned hills as the embers die,
For when morning comes, I shall utter no more.

Oh God, take me, take me whole.

The author's comments:
last words are forgotten...legacies live on

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